Thursday, August 30, 2012

Shoe Thrifting Finds + Tips

Hey Lovelies!
Let me end this month by sharing to you my latest shoe finds from my last thrift this month plus a tip on how to clean and disinfect it.
If your'e a friend of mine in Facebook I just recently posted a status saying "I got more excited about thrifting rather than shopping at my local mall" Yes I really do! because for me thrifting is like an adventure you just go there and don't know what exciting pieces you can find plus It's cheap. I really didn't plan to get new shoes but when I saw these pairs I'm like i just have to get those.
First is this silver flats.

I really like the color of it, I can pair it with any outfit it was in size 40 which makes my feet feel really comfy and fits me perfectly though I am a size 39. A satin fabric plus in a very good condition.

The second one is this pair of black wedge ankle boots.

I really like the design especially the peep toe and the chain detailing which adds edge.

so easy to wear just slip on you feet,zip it up and your'e good to go!
So comfy to wear shorts and dresses can go with it and very stylish.

Now for the tips:
I know some of you guys don't prefer buying second hand shoes because of the skin diseases or irritation that you might get from wearing a second hand shoe. Here's my tips on how I disinfect mine before using it.
First I am using a baby wipes to remove all the dirt and dust then I'll let it dry. Then taking my Burlington BioFresh Foot and Shoe antimicrobial spray I spray it all over the shoes generously and let it dry to remove the funky odor(thirft store scent) and bacteria. I also suggest to choose the shoe which looks barely used. 
you can buy this product at all SM department store.
And that's it for today's post, I hope to post a lot more this coming September see yah! 

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