Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Healthy Delish Chicken Salad

Since i started working out I really became strict when it comes to my diet, I want to work this two things together so that I can see results in my quest for losing weight. I always see to it that I don't starve myself and I eat right, I give up those fast food,soda's and even rice. On this blog post entry I will share to you guys this easy to prepare meal that I've been loving.

All you need are:
  • Lettuce
  • Hard boiled egg
  • Chicken Breast fried with canola oil
  • Salad dressing (Whatever you prefer)
Calorie Count:
  • Iceberg lettuce- 8 calories
  • Hard boiled egg which is a good source of protein contains 78 calories.
  •  The chicken breast fried with canola oil contains 97kcal
  •   Wishbone Italian dressing contains 80 calories
    Total 263 calories for this recipe much better than eating Kare-Kare with rice or burgers right?.

before I forgot here's a photo of my son with his pa cute pose! while mommy is cooking...

And that's it hope you guys like it and try this recipe healthy na delicious pa.. bye!

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