Sunday, October 7, 2012

LOTN: Saturday Night Out.

Hi! Lovelies, Today I'm gonna be sharing to you guys what make-up look I wore last Saturday night out with my friends and some photos w/ the said event of course. So My friend violy ask me out for a blow-out before she leaves to Hong-Kong for Christmas Shopping (Sosyal diba?) Of course I never refused (libre eh) lol.
  So I went for a smoky eye and a pink lip for a glowing and awake look. I used silver eye-shadow on the lid,deep purple on the crease and black for outer V. On my lip I used EB matte lipstick in Off beat pink and Nyx Round Lipstick in Chic. 
I had 5 glasses of this haha Orange Vodka in other words Screw Driver that's what they call it lol.
Group shot yay! I'm the one in the middle.. What I wore: Dress-Forme, Blazer-Thrifted, Accessories- Broadway gems, Shoes-Mendrez. 
And that's it for today's post, Shout-out to my new readers thank you so much for following my blog hope you guys enjoy reading craps here lol joke lang. see you on my next one. Happy Monday.


  1. i hope i can drink as much as you are. I have alcohol allergies. tsk. :(
    by the way u have a new follower, hope you follow back.

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